
Batman and robin poison ivy
Batman and robin poison ivy

The Joker killing people is nothing extraordinary considering how lethal Gotham City is. For shows where Anyone Can Die, murder isn't a big deal. "What qualifies as truly horrendous?" This has to be taken in context with the work in question. The "no chance of redemption" part is also true of most villains, though not so much the "no fate worse than death is too extreme" part. There can be no Redemption Equals Death for this character, and no Fate Worse Than Death is too extreme.' A Heel Face Turn is out of the question, and nobody would believe it if it happened. The only way the story could come to anything resembling a happy ending is if they die or are otherwise removed. 'Most importantly, the character must have no chance of redemption without being considered a Karma Houdini. Yet another one that's true of most villains. It's better if they obviously enjoy it, but complete lack of emotion or caring will suffice.' 'The character must show no regret or remorse for their actions, however terrible. There are stories about characters who tragically become evil like Doctor Horribles Sing A Long Blog and perhaps Othelo, but in most stories, we don't learn the villain's excuse other then wanting money or power. 'There is no adequate justification or Freudian Excuse to balance out the misdeeds.' Anyone would be afraid of someone who wanted to kill them. If you're one of the good guys and the villain is trying to kill you, then of course you're going to be afraid of them. Also, this seems like another one that just about any non-comedic villain could fit. (emphasis mine) "If they're Played For Laughs, the character is just Evilly Affable, at best, but can still be one if done right" seems to contradict "The character's terribleness must be played seriously at all times", and the " If they're Played For Laughs, the character is just Evilly Affable" contradicts " but can still be one if done right". If the character is not taken seriously at all, they fail to qualify.

batman and robin poison ivy batman and robin poison ivy

If they're Played For Laughs, the character is just Evilly Affable, at best, but can still be one if done right. If there are other villains around who aren't this trope, they are afraid of/dislike this person, too - Even Evil Has Standards, after all (and in particularly disturbing stories with particularly evil villains, even lesser Complete Monsters may fear such a character). 'The character's terribleness must be played seriously at all times, evoking fear, revulsion and/or hatred from the other characters in the story. What qualifies as "truly horrendous"? If murder is truly horrendous regardless of weather or not it's an especially painful murder, then almost every villain fits this since almost every villain wants to murder the good guys and that's the primary thing that makes them a villain. The Complete Monster usually starts at the Moral Event Horizon and keeps on running, though nothing excludes them becoming one through Character Development.' Acts concealed behind a Villainy Discretion Shot or by a distant Mook don't count.

#Batman and robin poison ivy series

'The character must personally engage in a series of truly horrendous acts, and the story makes no attempt to gloss these over or present them in a positive light. It seems to me that some of the requirements apply to the vast majority of fictional villains, or at least ones I've read about or watched, so I'm not sure how it's not true that almost EVERY villain is a Complete Monster with villains who aren't this trope being rare. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. Simply state whether or not you think the character counts or not.Įdited by nombretomado on Mar 31st 2020 at 8:15:08 AM Remember that all characters, not just other villains, contribute to the Heinousness Standard Here you compare the actions of the Candidate to other character actions in the story in order to determine if they stand out or not. Try to present these as objectively as possible by presenting any evidence that may support or refute the mitigating factors. Here you discuss any potential redeeming or sympathetic features the character has, the character's Freudian Excuse if they have one, as well as any other potential mitigating factors like Offscreen Villainy or questions of moral agency. For candidates with longer rap sheets, keep the list to their most important and heinous crimes, we don't need to hear about every time they decide to do something minor or petty.ĭo they have any Mitigating Factors or Freudian Excuse?

batman and robin poison ivy

Here you list all of the crimes committed by the candidate. This will be the main portion of the Effort Post.

batman and robin poison ivy

Who is the Candidate and What have they Done? Don't assume that everyone is familiar with the work in question. Here you briefly describe the work in question and explain any important setting details.

Batman and robin poison ivy